Instituto Latinoamericano para la Paz y la Ciudadanía, ILAPyC

Instituto Latinoamericano para la Paz y la Ciudadanía

Acerca de: ILAPyC es un instrumento para la investigación, capacitación, difusión y promoción de acciones que impulsan la Cultura de Paz y la Construcción de Ciudadanía entendiéndolas como opción frente a la violencia intrafamiliar, de género, la discriminación laboral, el acoso escolar y toda forma de violencia que impacte cotidianamente en la sociedad, haciendo nuestras vidas más difíciles. Buscando el camino de transformar a los habitantes de nuestra región y el mundo en ciudadanos portadores de derechos   de manera irrestricta.        Desde el concepto que refiere a la construcción de ciudadanía como un proceso a través del cual los individuos se van apropiando de conocimientos indispensables para el uso responsable de la ciudadanía que tenga como objetivo final, una sociedad amigable y un modelo de relación humana dentro de los parámetros de la Cultura de Paz.

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Latin American Institute for Peace and Citizenship

About: ILAPyC is an instrument for research, training, dissemination and promotion of actions that promote the Culture of Peace and the Construction of Citizenship understanding them as an option against domestic violence, gender violence, labor discrimination, bullying and all forms of violence that impact daily in society, making our lives more difficult. Seeking the path of transforming the inhabitants of our region and the world into unrestricted rights-bearing citizens. From the concept that refers to the construction of citizenship as a process through which individuals are appropriating indispensable knowledge for the responsible use of citizenship that has as its ultimate goal, a friendly society and a model of human relationship within the parameters of the Culture of Peace.

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International Network of Museums for Peace

The International Network of Museums for Peace (INMP) is a worldwide network of peace museums, peace gardens and other peace related sites, centres and institutions that share in the same desire to build a global culture of peace. The International Network of Museums for Peace (INMP) is a non-profit organisation, established since 1992 and associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information in New York, that aims to build a global culture of peace by strengthening the work of museums for peace.