Monitoring Report on the Situation of Belarusian Refugees in Lithuania

Regrettably, a concerning situation is unfolding in Lithuania, involving the rights of Belarusian refugees escaping the Lukashenko regime and compulsory military service.

In collaboration with Our House, we aim to provide you with their observational findings and recommendations for addressing the circumstances in Lithuania related to Belarusian political refugees and conscientious objectors from Belarus.

For instance, Belarusian female human rights activists in Lithuania are victimized in two ways: firstly, they are targeted by Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti (KGB) or Committee for State Security (CSS) espionage, and secondly, they face attacks from male Lithuanian human rights defenders. This double victimization places them in a distressing and even more vulnerable position, underscoring the urgent need for enhanced protection and support.

As one voice with Our House, the IPB respectfully calls for global attention to the escalating situation, which is becoming increasingly critical. More than 1700 Belarusians have been classified as posing a threat to Lithuania’s national security, resulting in a five-year ban from entering the European Union. Among this group, 910 individuals are currently at risk of deportation to Belarus.

Read the full monitoring reports:

1st Report: Situation of Belarusian Refugees in Lithuania

Conscientious Objection in Belarus Raises Alarming Human Rights Concerns, Particularly for Lithuanian Refugees. Despite recognized rights, Belarusian objectors face grave situations, including death penalty for desertion and strict military deferment laws. Perceptions of threat to Lithuania’s security are subjective, lacking legal clarity, relying on flexible interpretation.Refuge-seeking Belarusians opt for Russia, not endorsing policies but due to practical reasons like border ease. Female rights activists in Lithuania face dual victimization: KGB espionage and local attacks. Urgent protection needed.

[2nd Report] Situation of Belarusian Conscientious Objectors & Evaders in Lithuania

Our House presents the 2nd report on challenges faced by Belarusian migrants in Lithuania. Highlights include activist struggles, discrimination against conscientious objectors, “National Security Panic,” and hate speech instances. Urgent global attention needed as the situation intensifies. 1700+ Belarusians labeled threats, 910 facing deportation.

Authored by: International Centre for civil initiatives “Our House” (Nash Dom), Belarus & Lithuania

With the support of:

Publication date: August 2023

#HumanRights #Belarus #Lithuania #ConscientiousObjection #Protection4Olga

IPB Statement of Solidarity with Demonstrators in Russia and the People of Ukraine & Russian Petition

The International Peace Bureau stands in solidarity with those who are actively speaking out against the actions of the Russian government in Ukraine and the victims of the aggression. We welcome the peace protests in Moscow and many other cities of Russia.

Continue reading “IPB Statement of Solidarity with Demonstrators in Russia and the People of Ukraine & Russian Petition”